
The Late Late Breakfast Show

 The Late, Late Breakfast Show Transcription

("The Day Before You Came" PROMO is shown)
NOEL EDMONDS: Ladies and gentlemen - all four members from ABBA
(ABBA enter to the studio and shake hands with Noel Edmonds)
NE: Please, sit down. Well, I found it difficult really to believe that it's 10 years that you're celebrating now.
AGNETHA: Yeah, 10 years already.
NE: Yes. What an amazing success story. Who's guided you over those 10 years? Who's guided you along the success path?
BJÖRN: We guided ourselves, I should like to think. Most of the time anyway with the help from other people as well. Mainly maybe our manager Stig Anderson.
NE: Yeah.
BJÖRN: He's very important to us.
NE: And the papers recently been full of stories that you're gonna split, eventually.
(Benny and Björn shake their heads)
NE: You're not?
NE: Well, they (the audience) are obviously releaved to hear. I was just going to ask you if that ever occurred to you and who would make the decision? I mean, would it be a joined decision?
BJÖRN AND BENNY: It would be ...
BENNY: ...decided together.
BJÖRN: It would be more a feeling, I think. Because when we're recording an album, we would feel that it's not fun anymore. We haven't got anything on to give. And that would be time to split, you know.
BENNY: We should have done that long time ago then. (Laugh)
BJÖRN: I know. (laughs)
NE: In what way would you say you have changed since those early days, the Eurovision Song Contest?
FRIDA: I am alarmingly aging. (laughs) Some of the journalist in the English press says that.
NE: They say you're alarmingly aging?
FRIDA:(asks from the audience) Am I really? ("Yeah!!!" from the audience)
AGNETHA: Do you mean musically or...? NE: No, as people. As people. Do you feel that... Has it been a strain in anyway?
AGNETHA: We're older and wiser. NE: Yeah. Are you a lot wiser? Have you found...
AGNETHA: Yes. (laughs) It's not only a sexy bottom, you know.
NE: Oh. (laughs) Well, that's a quote to carry to your grave, isn't it? "I'm not just a sexy bottom", yeah. You have an LP out at the moment, The Hit Singles. And what I would like to do really is just ask you publicly tell us your favourite ABBA tunes. We've sorted out some tapes. And Agnetha, would you like to start? What's your favourite number from the last 10 years?
AGNETHA: I think it...my choice would be Fernando.
NE: For what reason?
AGNETHA: Because I've seen on all our concerts that people seem to like this number very much. And they sing along, they clap their hands. They can every word. It's wonderful to sing.
NE: And we get a little bit sexy bottom as well. (Agnetha laughs)
AGNETHA: Is it necessary?
(A clip of Fernando, from ABBA - The Movie, is shown)
NE: Very good. Frida, it's your choice now. Is it difficult decision just choosing one?
FRIDA: Are you asking me? NE: Yes, it's your turn now.
FRIDA: Yes, it's really. (laughs) NE: She's getting old, isn't she? (Laugh)
FRIDA: It's so noisy in here, you know. No, it's really a difficult decision because, I mean, Benny and Björn have written so many good songs.
BENNY: Thank you.
FRIDA: (to Benny) Yes, but you should know that by now.
BENNY: (to Frida) You never said that.
FRIDA: Ok, it's the first time.
NE: What would you like to choose?
FRIDA: I would like to choose Dancing Queen. I remember recording that backing track, I really felt something very strongly for it, you know. From my heart and also the recording when Anna and myself did the vocals. It was something very special with that song.
(A clip of Dancing Queen, from a Wembley show in 1979, is shown)
NE: At which point did you decide to grow the beard? And I'm talking to you (Benny) now!
BENNY: That's about...
BJÖRN: When he found out how round his face was. (laughs)
NE: Does it seem funny looking back at something that's...not that long ago but it is a few years back.
BENNY: Well, it's some...what , 15 years ago I started to growing the beard. And Björn is right. That's why I keep it.
NE: He looks a little choke without it.
BENNY: You should ask him (Björn) the same question later.
NE: Benny, a selection, please. A choice.
BENNY: Yeah, it's difficult. I'll pick "Chiquitita".
NE: For what reason?
BENNY: Well, I think it's one of our best songs. I think all four of us will pick. It's four numbers and I think all four would go.
(A clip of Chiquitita, from the UNICEF charity concert, is shown)
NE: And so. Finally to the oldest one. (Laugh)
NE: Björn, could I have a choice?
BJÖRN: I'll pick the newest one then. I'll pick "The Winner Takes It All", partly because I was told this was to be my choice. (Laugh)
BJÖRN: But...
NE: You know the reason...
BJÖRN: Most of all.
NE: ...the reason for that is 'cause it's my favourite one and 'cause I wanted it on, regardless.
BJÖRN: Yeah, ok. Ok.
NE: So that's why you lumped with it.
BJÖRN: Yeah. But anyway it definitely is my favourites. I think it's got a beautiful haunting melody, a brilliant, intelligent lyric. About two lovers parting.
NE: And earned you a lot of money as well.
BJÖRN: It did, yeah.
(A clip of The Winner Takes It All promo is shown)
NE: We had to stop it before we got to the best bits simply 'cause we actually wanted them to have a go for a little bit live music here. Just before ABBA play us out from this edition of the show, can I remind you I'll have as my guest next week Fleetwood Mac and the incredible Diana Ross. We also got Kevin Munn, a viewer, who's got a chance to come in and meet ABBA. Can we possibly have a little bit of music from you? Don't look like that as this was a surprise. Please don't walk out. We'd like you to play us out of the programme. Kevin, do come in.
(Applauses from the audience) (Benny starts to play Thank You For The Music)
NE: (to Kevin) Do you know the words?
KEVIN: Yeah, I think so.
(Thank You For The Music is performed live in the studio)

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